45.7 meters of 84" RSC 250 Threaded Weholite


    Culvert Replacement



Highway 117 is an important road as it is the only direct route between southern Quebec and the Abitibi-Temiscaminque region. It was discovered to need emergency repairs during a submersed camera video inspection. The engineer responsible for the region made the decision to have the lower portion of the culvert inspected by means of video camera since this culvert is always partially submersed in water and therefore couldn’t be fully visually inspected.

An issue was suspected since sink holes were visible at the surfaces, however no one suspected the magnitude of the issues that were discovered while watching the submersed camera travelling through the culvert. It became clear that they had an urgent issue, the culvert would need to be replaced immediately. Since the road is the only connection from central Quebec and this region, it is extensively utilized to provide all the supplies required to keep the natural resource driven industries of the region of Val-d’Or – Rouyn Noranda supplied.

Under the circumstances, the engineer in charge made the decision to install Infra Pipe’s Weholite culvert approximately 10 meters away from the current corrugated culvert. This made it easier to manage the significant amount of water that would have been required to be pumped while the new culvert was being installed, by letting this water go through the old culvert while installing the Weholite culvert.

Once again, Infra Pipe’s product was selected for its durability, ease of installation and quick availability. The project was completed in August of 2019.

Learn more about Infra Pipe's Weholite Threaded Pipe.